Saturday, November 8, 2008

Heads Up on MAD folks working on Docs

If any of you in our community - students, faculty, alums - are working on documentaries (any form: works-in-progress, short or feature-length, even experimental), please let me know.

The Independent Feature project (IFP) is gearing up for its 2009 Independent Film Week and Market next September. It's a premier venue for the discovery of emerging filmmakers, and it's especially focused on promoting non-fictional works. Many festival and industry folks will be in attendance, seeking new works for their programming.

Although, the deadlines are in May 2009, as a member of their selection committee, I am encouragd to seek out good work and recommend it to the "powers that be."

Check out their website at:

So, come by my office or contact me. I WANT to get NJCU work out onto the big scene! We have the talent and the MADness!

-Nick Efteriades

1 comment:

vertexlist said...

Awesome suggestion, thanks Nick!