Tuesday, January 15, 2008

re: coney island film festival

ok so now i'm cleaning out my emails....i've been here once, had fun, and seems like it's turning into cool festival. $25 is a bit steep in my books but check out their site and see if your work may fit the programming (always my advice before submitting your work into ANY festival otherwise you're wasting your time, money and emotions...). rb.

indiefilmpage.com and Coney Island USA present the 8th annual Coney Island Film Festival September 26-28, 2008 at Sideshows by the Seashore and The Coney Island Museum, Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York.

Early bird deadline THIS FRIDAY January 18th, 2008 (postmarked) $25 entry fee
Regular Deadline April 25th, 2008 (postmarked)
Late deadline June 25th, 2008 (postmarked)
Extended late deadline July 3rd, 2008 (postmarked)

The Coney Island Film Festival is open to filmmakers working in ALL GENRES, SUBJECTS AND FORMATS.


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